What can we say about Fringe For Kids? It’s a really fun, friendly show. They billed themselves as bringing the best acts the kids perform by the most talented artists in town.
Each show is different with a fresh new lineup every day, promising fits of giggles, awe inspiring stunts, reach into the lucky dip that is the Fringe for Kids Road show, and you’ll be delighted by what you find. Enjoy a little bit of everything, including circus, dance, drag music, magic and comedy. Perfect for a family outing at the festival.
Well, I can certainly say that that was the case.
What We Saw
We were greeted when we came in by a balloon artist performing some amazing, hilarious silly and dangerous stunts. Followed by Princess Pipsqueak, the broccoli loving, opera singing, sleepy silks climber and acrobatic gymnast – Her name was Georgia. She was doing these amazing one handed mid-air handstands on these wobbly (I’m not quite sure what the official term is) but these little stools that were so wobbly and with handstands in the air – She was a local Adelaide girl who’s been circus and she was really, really wonderful to watch, Such a great talent.
There was a puppeteer, some more handstands, another solo artist called Daniel Toohill, who I believe has an adults show of his own as well. A really cool Scottish magician called Kevin. He was really good. He had some volunteers up on stage and doing the old cup and ball tricks – but with a twist.
Let’s ask the boys what they thought..
“It was great. My favourite part was when they were making the funny noises with the audience.”
“It was Epic! and when I called up on stage, It was nuts!”
It was a really fun show. All ending with the host doing something crazy, a.k.a hopping inside a big bouncing balloon.
Our Rating
It was a fun, high energy show. I definitely give it five Auscast play stars out of five.

I remember seeing this show last year and it was a completely different lineup. Today will be a completely different lineup to tomorrow. So the best thing is you can just keep going back and saying this show over and over again and it will always be different.
You’ll always get little snippets of something different. So I definitely recommend Fringe for Kids. Great show, high energy, lots of fun.
Listen Below
Ticket and Location Information
It’s on until Sunday, March 17th, 2024. It goes for around 1 hour and is located in The Octagon at Gluttony – Rymill Park. Tickets are $20 – $26 and has a G rating – great for kids!