“Try Before You Die”. Sounds ominous, doesn’t it? But it isn’t. It’s brilliant. It’s the brainchild of Eliza and Liberty. They’re from ‘The Block’. Yes, that Block. The one on Channel 9.

They spoke with Jeremy Cordeaux on the LIVE stream of ‘The Court of Public Opinion’ live from the dining room table. From Melbourne. They live together. Still. Despite everything. They’ve been on ‘The Block’. They survived. Now, they’re podcasting. It’s about trying things. Things you’ve never done before. Like stand-up comedy. Or surfing. Or even writing erotic novels. Yes, really.
They want to get out of their comfort zones. They were couch potatoes. Not anymore. They’re adventurers now. In the world of podcasts. And maybe, just maybe, back on TV.
Their podcast? It’s out there. On Spotify. Apple. Everywhere. Four episodes deep. More to come. Challenges, laughter, and probably a bit of embarrassment. But that’s the point.

Eliza wants someone charismatic. Liberty? Someone driven. Both treasure their independence. They’re not looking for action. They’ve built houses instead. On ‘The Block’. Now, they’re building experiences. Through their podcast.
It’s not another dating show. Thank God. They’ve done their bit for TV. What’s next? They’re open to ideas. But for now, it’s podcasting. Trying things. Before it’s too late. Hence, “Try Before You Die”. Listen to it. It’s worth your time.