Penalised for Success
Self-funded retirees have worked hard to secure their financial independence, but as Jeremy Cordeaux points out, they’re being penalised for their success. In a recent episode of The Court of Public Opinion, Cordeaux explores the financial challenges facing self-funded retirees, particularly when it comes to aged care. Here’s why the system might be working against them.
The Rising Costs of Aged Care for Retirees
Cordeaux discusses how recent policy changes mean that self-funded retirees are expected to pay more for aged care. This might seem fair at first glance, but Jeremy Cordeaux argues that it’s a punishment for those who have been responsible with their finances. The message is clear: if you’ve done well for yourself, you’ll be expected to pay more.
A System That Discourages Success for Retirees
According to Cordeaux, the current system sends the wrong message. Instead of rewarding financial independence, it discourages it by penalising those who have saved and invested wisely. Cordeaux suggests that this could lead to a situation where people are better off spending their savings and relying on government support, rather than striving for self-sufficiency.
How To Fix It
The challenges facing self-funded retirees are a stark reminder that our aged care system needs reform. If we want to encourage financial responsibility, we need to rethink how we support those who have done the right thing. Discover more about this issue and what can be done to fix it.